Have a Merry Kindle Christmas! +++PLUS+++ $100 Giveaway!

Load up your Kindle with some awesome books just in time for Christmas! There are books for all readers, from YA to steamy romance, so be sure to check them out! Also, some are FREE! But wait… the best part? We’re giving away a $100 Amazon GC to one lucky winner! Details are at […]
Grayghost Cover Reveal!

Grayghost Tamara Grantham(Fairy World MD., #7)Published by: Crimson Tree PublishingPublication date: February 26th 2018Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance The final installment in the epic Fairy World MD series by Tamara Grantham. It’s been four years since Olive Kennedy sealed the portals between Earth and Faythander. Four years that she’s been living on Earth, working as a […]
WichiCon Tomorrow! Come for a FREE SIGNED BOOK MARK! Or just come. Whatever you like…

Hi everyone! I just wanted to stop by and remind you that tomorrow, Saturday June 3, I will be at WichiCon! I’m giving FREE SIGNED BOOK MARKS to anyone who stops by my booth, so make sure you come! (I won’t be there on Sunday.) Details: Location: Century II, Bob Brown Expo Hall. 225 W. […]
Are You Superstitious? I wasn’t. Until now. Find out why… PLUS, conference updates!

To find out about my weird superstition story, you’ll have to keep reading, because I went to two conferences, and it happened at the second conf. But for now, here’s what led up to it… I am home!!! You have no idea how happy I am to say those words. For the last two weeks, […]
UPDATE: What happened to my Release Day? Important Announcement! Deathbringer+FREE GIFT!

I’ve got good news! (FINALLY!) Some of you may have heard about my botched release day for Deahthringer. Something happened that was completely out of my control, caused me to lose sales, subscribers, and worse, my readers ended up with the wrong book! If you’d like to read the whole story, you can do that […]
Will Deathbringer be Ready for its Debut on April 25th?

Hi all! I just wanted to give you a quick update on the status of Deathbringer. I turned in the final edits yesterday! I’m a little obsessive when I go through my edits. Most authors would go through the highlighted areas and accept or reject the changes, but I’m not most authors. Nope, I have […]
Deathbringer Cover Reveal and SALE!

Celebrate… With a new book! Readers can’t seem to get enough of the Olive Kennedy, Fairy World M.D. Series by author Tamara Grantham. First we celebrated in December with two new releases back-to-back that topped best-seller lists. Now we celebrate with a cover reveal and the pre-order of yet another exciting novel that will release […]
#Writing and Research for BOOK SIX!

I’ve been hitting the edits for book six hard this week, and I thought I’d share what I’ve been up to. Swords play a big role in this book, and this particular sword needed to be something special. In draft one, I came up with a stereotypical sword and used it as a placeholder, although […]
Silverwitch Award Nomination!

I’m pleased to announce that Silverwitch has been nominated for the prestigious Whitney Award. Being nominated is such an honor. I feel grateful and humbled, but mostly extremely humbled. Past winners include Brandon Sanderson, Jennifer A Neilsen, and Tracy and Laura Hickman. Yeah, humbled. And scared. This is the third nomination for my Fairy […]
What’s the Secret of Heidel’s Story? And an EXCERPT!

Want to know what secret I’ve been keeping? It may be hidden in Heidel’s Story… I know I’ve been pretty quiet about Goblinwraith (Heidel’s Story) but there is a reason. When I was writing Silverwitch, I came to a point where Heidel set off on her own quest for a section of the book, but […]