I’ve got good news! (FINALLY!) Some of you may have heard about my botched release day for Deahthringer. Something happened that was completely out of my control, caused me to lose sales, subscribers, and worse, my readers ended up with the wrong book! If you’d like to read the whole story, you can do that on my Facebook page HERE.
My publisher wants to help make things right, so they are offering a FREE DIGITAL GIFT to anyone who pre-ordered Deathbringer, and got the wrong book. You can go to Clean Teen’s website HERE where all you have to do is show a receipt or screen shot of your purchase and they will send you the gift, plus will supply you with the right book if you haven’t claimed it from Amazon.
Also, Amazon now has the CORRECT copies of Deathbringer for sale on line, but if you were one of the people who still doesn’t have the right book, PLEASE REPLY TO THIS BLOG POST and I will send you the right book.
If you still want to order Deathbringer and haven’t yet, you can do it HERE. It’s still on sale for $4.99, but the price goes up to $5.99 soon, so now is the time to get it if you haven’t yet.
Thank you all for your support! I couldn’t do any of this without you.
Live long and dream on!
Just leave a comment and let me know if you need a book!