Hi all! I just wanted to give you a quick update on the status of Deathbringer. I turned in the final edits yesterday! I’m a little obsessive when I go through my edits. Most authors would go through the highlighted areas and accept or reject the changes, but I’m not most authors. Nope, I have to send my book to my kindle and read the ENTIRE thing looking for more errors than what the proof readers picked out. I usually can do this in two days, and I do it for every draft I turn in.
Yes, I am weird and obsessive, but this is my book baby we’re talking about here! I know there are still errors in there, because our eyes tend to overlook things after a while, and that’s another reason why I send it to my kindle. It’s easier to find the errors in an actual book format and not as a Word doc.
I have to say, I’m pretty pleased with this book, although I’ve been over it so many times that I’m starting to memorize it. Still, it’s got a great adventure story, some romance, some SURPRISES, and an ending that will really, really, really make you want to read the next book. (I’ll start writing it again when I’m done with this post.)
About the next book…it’s called Grayghost and it will be the final book of the Fairy World MD series! I’ve already written 20,000 words (about 50 pages) and it’s been super fun to write. I think the plot is coming together nicely, and I think readers will be pleased with the way everything turns out.
Don’t forget that Deathrbinger is available for pre-order! If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, you can find all the buy links here on Deathbringer’s page. It releases on APRIL 25th! Less than a month away…
Leave me a comment and tell me hello! I get bored sitting here writing all day. Yes, my 4 and 2 year old keep me company, but I can only talk about trains and trucks for so long without going batty. What are you up to today? Also, it’s the four-year-old’s birthday today. (He’s four today!) Happy birthday, kiddo!