Making Time to Write
I called this post Making time to write, not Finding time to write, because I don’t believe in finding time. It can’t be found. If you’re not a writer, insert you’re own hobby into the sentence. Making is different than finding. When you make something, you actively put thought into you. You plan ahead, you […]
Thank You! And Why I’m Addicted To Reality TV
Last week, unknown to anyone, I had the goal of doubling the amount of followers on my blog. Guess what? I did it! Thanks to you! I went from three to six followers, which may sound silly that I’m so excited, but I feel it’s an accomplishment. I feel grateful to my followers, and hope […]
I’m an unpublished author–a writer. I’m determined not to call myself an author until someone actually pays me to write. Yesterday I signed my first writing contract. In February, assuming all goes well, my first novella will come out! So, my friends, in February, will I become an author? I can’t say for sure yet. […]
Sometimes I get in a slump. You know the feeling–where you think nothing is going your way, your life is hard. My sister explains it as, “Life sucks and then you die.” I have those moments. I hate them. I don’t have a cure for getting out of them, but this is how I got […]
I love to get comments on my posts. It makes me happy. It makes me feel loved and all warm and fuzzy inside. So today, if you’ve read my post, leave a comment. You may think I have nefarious reasons for requesting this, but I don’t. I just like to hear what other people have […]
A New Day
Have you ever woke up grumpy? I hate doing that–and today was one of those days. I’m trying to work my way out of it. Writing helps. Exercise helps. But when you’re in one of those moods, it’s so much harder to get motivated! At least I’ve got four sweet kiddos to help me out. The […]
Man of Steel: My Two Cents
Man of Steel did what movies should do, it entertained. I loved the sci-fi feel, (but I’m a sci-fi nerd, so that’s no surprise), I loved how we saw Superman in a light we’ve never seen him in before. The movie wasn’t a rehashing of the same story told so many times everyone and their grandpa […]
I’m Back!
I know everyone’s been anxiously awaiting my return to the blogger world, right? I’ve finally done it. And I’d love to make this a habit, so leave me your comments, and let me know what I should blog about, and we’ll put some zing back into this old dead blog for once! Since I blogged […]
A New Blog
I’m super excited to announce that I will be joining a new blog. Four other fantasy authors will post with me. If you’d like to check it out, the address is The other authors already have some exciting posts up, including an interview with one of my favorite authors, Brandon Sanderson. I think this […]
Fresh From Ye Olde Mind
I’ve decided to post chapter one from my third book. Keep in mind, this is all fresh stuff. Never been read by anyone but yours truly. But hey, I’m not a selfish gal. I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear feedback! CHAPTER ONE The castle appeared again. Right over the trees, out of nowhere. […]