Have you ever woke up grumpy? I hate doing that–and today was one of those days. I’m trying to work my way out of it. Writing helps. Exercise helps. But when you’re in one of those moods, it’s so much harder to get motivated!
At least I’ve got four sweet kiddos to help me out. The things that come out of their mouths crack me up. I love the way they think, and the innocent way that they view the world.
Bridger has become my assistant diaper changer. I lay Baby Gabe on the floor and Bridger appears. His job is to open the tabs and pull the diaper open, and the most important part, to say “Oh, yuck! He made a burp.”
It’s called poop, sweetheart. Burps come out the other end.
You’d think the stresses of tending my kiddos would make me grumpier, and yes, sometimes it does. But for now, I think I’ll enjoy them as much as I can, while I can.
Which is weird, because now I figured out why I’m grumpy.
It was my dream last night, of my kiddos growing up and me not remembering them being babies. My first waking thought was, I’ve gotta take more pictures . . .
And now I’m crying, because I love my babies so much.
Alas, who knew motherhood would come with so many tears.