What I’m Writing

What am I writing now? I’ve gotten this question a lot since I’ve finished my Fairy World MD series. I’ve been hard at work on my Twisted Ever After trilogy, but in addition, would you all be ecstatic to hear that I’m working on some bonus scenes for Fairy World MD? I’ve been working with […]
Super Duper Giveaway!

I’m super busy these next two weeks. A writing conference this weekend and Wizard World next, so I thought now would be a good time to have a giveaway! (Because when is it not a good time to have a giveaway?) You can enter on my Facebook page here—> ENTER THE GIVEAWAY! In other news, […]
Book Baby 13 Has Arrived! #TheDragonSwanPrincess #FirstDraft

It’s with much relief and elation that I announce Book Baby #13 is finished! I wrote “The End” on Saturday, which also happened to be my daughter’s birthday. Weird fact: I’ve finished several of my books on important dates. Dreamthief, was published on Sept. 1, my niece’s birthday. I also started writing my first book […]
Five Tips for Becoming a Published Author

I feel like I’ve been too silent on my writing/publishing success story. I’ve had many aspiring authors ask me how I got published and how I managed to write over a dozen books in eight years, won multiple awards, and published a series, so today I’m going to share a few of my secrets. These […]
Help Me Write This Book! The Faythander Chronicles

I’ve got this insane idea that I need your help with. I want to write a serialized book written in small scenes that I’ll post weekly to the blog. I’ve got the basic idea, but I want readers’ input on the details. Just keep in mind that I can’t choose everyone’s ideas. I may […]
Show Vs. Tell and Why are Discussing This Again?

The first rule most writers learn is this: Show don’t Tell. What does that mean? Easy. If you want your readers to be bored and have no sense of your world, you tell them about it. (The grass was brown. She was gorgeous. The car was old.) How is this telling, you ask? There are […]
If Authors Wrote Their Own Reviews…

I know, this topic is WAY wrong. Amazon would have fits if they knew I was suggesting authors (GASP!) write their OWN reviews. Write their own reviews?!? Okay, just play along, this is supposed to be funny. Start reading and you’ll get the gist of it. Authors, feel free to leave reviews for your own […]
WichiCon Tomorrow! Come for a FREE SIGNED BOOK MARK! Or just come. Whatever you like…

Hi everyone! I just wanted to stop by and remind you that tomorrow, Saturday June 3, I will be at WichiCon! I’m giving FREE SIGNED BOOK MARKS to anyone who stops by my booth, so make sure you come! (I won’t be there on Sunday.) Details: Location: Century II, Bob Brown Expo Hall. 225 W. […]
Are You Superstitious? I wasn’t. Until now. Find out why… PLUS, conference updates!

To find out about my weird superstition story, you’ll have to keep reading, because I went to two conferences, and it happened at the second conf. But for now, here’s what led up to it… I am home!!! You have no idea how happy I am to say those words. For the last two weeks, […]
My News: Exciting, Nervous, EXCITING! Read to Find Out!

Okay, first, I’m NOT pregnant. I know you might have thought that from the title of this post. Nope. That’s not the news. BUT it is something really exciting. If you want to know what it is, you’ll have to keep reading, because there’s a story behind this news… Last summer, I found out that […]