Every author goes through rejection. Many. Many. Many. Times. Even after you’ve published 11 books. I should know. It happened to me at the writer’s conference just this weekend. But before I get into that, let me tell you about all the good things that happened:
- I have the most awesome writing friends in the world! I’m blessed to be surrounded by super supportive people. I would name them all but I’m always afraid of leaving someone out, so I’ll just say that I got to see many of my writer buddies at the conference, and it’s such a blessing to have them in my life.
- I attended some fantastic classes. Every time I think I already know everything there is to know about writing, I’m proven wrong. I especially enjoyed a class taught by author TC Miller who talked about book signings and selling books, which is an area I needed help with, so it was very helpful to me.
- I got to teach two great classes. They were so much fun. I love to teach, but I don’t get to do it as often as I like, so this was so fun for me to do. I’m hoping my attendees learned something. Teaching my Writing Medical KnowHow with author and ER doctor Gary Conrad was a blast, and I don’t think anyone walked away from that class not having learned something.
- I got to spend time with my awesome author friend Sabrina A. Fish. We have so much fun when we’re together, and it’s fun to be with someone who gets me.
And here’s where I got a taste of humble pie:
I attended the pitch slam, and I submitted my pitch. Oh boy. For those who don’t know, a pitch slam is where several agents read your pitch to a group of people, then they tear it to shreds. Let me just start by saying that no one’s pitch went through the slam unscathed. There were no “perfect pitches.” Everyone got critiqued. But that was actually a good thing. It meant I knew where to improve. Still. Ouch.
I knew the pitch was rough. I’d only been working on it for a few weeks, which isn’t nearly long enough. I haven’t even edited the book I was submitting it for, which is why I wasn’t pitching the book in the first place. But I wasn’t expecting the criticism I got. That just shows me.
Guess I’ll know better next time.