Overcoming Writer’s Doubt
What’s the question I get asked most as a writer? This one: “What do you do about writer’s block?” Writer’s block has universally become the acknowledged challenge for writers. I argue that we’re asking the wrong question. It’s not writer’s block we should be concerned about. I rarely deal with it, to be honest. If […]
Writer’s Conference Report (How I Got Ripped to SHREDS!)
Every author goes through rejection. Many. Many. Many. Times. Even after you’ve published 11 books. I should know. It happened to me at the writer’s conference just this weekend. But before I get into that, let me tell you about all the good things that happened: I have the most awesome writing friends in the […]
Help Me Write This Book! The Faythander Chronicles
I’ve got this insane idea that I need your help with. I want to write a serialized book written in small scenes that I’ll post weekly to the blog. I’ve got the basic idea, but I want readers’ input on the details. Just keep in mind that I can’t choose everyone’s ideas. I may […]
Show Vs. Tell and Why are Discussing This Again?
The first rule most writers learn is this: Show don’t Tell. What does that mean? Easy. If you want your readers to be bored and have no sense of your world, you tell them about it. (The grass was brown. She was gorgeous. The car was old.) How is this telling, you ask? There are […]
Have a Merry Kindle Christmas! +++PLUS+++ $100 Giveaway!
Load up your Kindle with some awesome books just in time for Christmas! There are books for all readers, from YA to steamy romance, so be sure to check them out! Also, some are FREE! But wait… the best part? We’re giving away a $100 Amazon GC to one lucky winner! Details are at […]
Halloween Spotlight: Multi-Author Event!
As part of a co-author blogging event headed up by the awesome Kendra Saunders (Author of Dating an Alien Pop Star), I get to post about my favorite Halloween movie. This is a no-brainer for me because it goes way back to my childhood. What’s my favorite Halloween movie??? Drum roll… Garfield’s Halloween! I must […]
SECRET REVEALED: My #Writing Process
I recently received a message from a fan asking about my writing process, so I decided to divulge a closely kept secret and reveal the truth behind how I write a book. Fine, it’s not really a secret, but it sounds cooler that way, right? Getting started: When I started writing my first novel six years ago, […]
Writing a Killer Query Letter
Hi everyone! Since I just returned from the Rose State Writing Conference, and after teaching the class on how to write a killer query, I thought I’d share some of my advice with all of you. I submitted queries for about four years and wrote four books before finding my publisher. In the end, I […]
#MondayBlogs: Indie VS Traditional: Who Writes the Better Books?
I’m writing this post to confront a misconception. Traditionally published books are better than independently published books. Of course, what exactly does “better” mean? Does it mean better editing? Does it mean less typos, better flow, less cliches, stronger characters, and more creative stories? I know this subject tends to be a bit subjective, and […]
#CTPshare Welcome Author Lila Felix
Hi Readers! All this month, CTP is featuring its awesome authors on a different day during the month of March. Today I have the special privilege of welcoming author Lila Felix to my blog! Colby Evans can leap from one country to the next in a heartbeat. She can see every sunset in every time […]