SECRET REVEALED: My #Writing Process
I recently received a message from a fan asking about my writing process, so I decided to divulge a closely kept secret and reveal the truth behind how I write a book. Fine, it’s not really a secret, but it sounds cooler that way, right? Getting started: When I started writing my first novel six years ago, […]
Celebrating Fall and a Bloodthorn Snippet…
Fall is one of my fave seasons and I am SO GLAD summer is over. No offense to summer, but it’s hot, my kids get bored, and now, I’m so ready for a change. What’s your favorite season? When we moved out to Wichita over a year ago, I didn’t realize Halloween was such a big […]
#StarTrek50 Plus, a Secret is Revealed…
With the celebration of 50 years of Star Trek in full swing, and with a few new followers here on my blog, I’m curious to know, how many of you are fellow Trekkies? If you’ve read any of my books, you might have figured out that I’m a total Trekkie. But just in case you […]
#Monday Blogs: The Reason I Dreaded Seeing Star Trek Beyond
Hi Friends! It’s been a long and hot summer here in the sunflower state, but I managed to make it out on a date with my husband where we went to see Star Trek Beyond. If you didn’t know, I’ve been a total Trekkie since I was eleven, watching Star Trek TNG on a tiny […]
#MondayBlogs Ask Me Anything!
Q: Which celebrity was Brent named for? I’m home with sick babies today, so I’ve decided to be sociable (online) and let you ask me anything about the Fairy World MD series. I’ll start with the first two questions: Question 1: Where are Olive’s mom and dad during Bloodthorn and we will see them again […]
#MondayBlogs: Review: Captain America–Civil War and Warren Theater
Hi Friends! Today I get to blog about a topic I rarely get the chance to discuss–I am reviewing a movie I saw in an actual theater with my husband and without children. I know. The Apocalypse is nigh. I would first like to start my review by not reviewing the actual movie, but the […]
#MondayBlogs: Jealousy, Reading, Writing, Loneliness, Jealousy…
Hi Friends! The picture of the bridge is a metaphor. I’ll let you try and interpret the deeper meaning. Here are a few hints: I’m playing single mom all week while my husband attends a burn surgery conference in Las Vegas. Right now, I’m feeling very pitiful and miserable as I sit at home with […]
#MondayBlogs: Indie VS Traditional: Who Writes the Better Books?
I’m writing this post to confront a misconception. Traditionally published books are better than independently published books. Of course, what exactly does “better” mean? Does it mean better editing? Does it mean less typos, better flow, less cliches, stronger characters, and more creative stories? I know this subject tends to be a bit subjective, and […]
#MondayBlogs: Writing, Reading, Gaming
Hi Friends! Writing: This week I’ve been working on Heidel’s story, a spin-off of Fairy World MD. I wrote the first draft in a flurry, finished it fast, so that when I re-read the story, it needed lots of TLC. I’ve found I’m cutting pages at a time to write brand new scenes. One problem […]
#MondayBlogs #Writing Tips-Getting Started.
This post is inspired by my awesome PA Courtney! She’s starting the journey of writing her first book, and I offered to write a few words of advice on what to do when you’re in phase one of writing the first draft. All the advice I give comes from my own experiences, and as everyone […]