Overcoming Writer’s Doubt

What’s the question I get asked most as a writer? This one: “What do you do about writer’s block?” Writer’s block has universally become the acknowledged challenge for writers. I argue that we’re asking the wrong question. It’s not writer’s block we should be concerned about. I rarely deal with it, to be honest. If […]
Writer’s Conference Report (How I Got Ripped to SHREDS!)
Every author goes through rejection. Many. Many. Many. Times. Even after you’ve published 11 books. I should know. It happened to me at the writer’s conference just this weekend. But before I get into that, let me tell you about all the good things that happened: I have the most awesome writing friends in the […]
Oh, the Places I’ll Be!

We’re almost through summer, which means book signings and conferences time! Here’s a run-down on the places I’ll be. Leave me a comment if you’ll be there too! Red Sneakers Writers’ Conference– August 31-September 3. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This year the conference is being held in downtown Oklahoma City. I’m really excited because it looks […]
Book Baby 13 Has Arrived! #TheDragonSwanPrincess #FirstDraft

It’s with much relief and elation that I announce Book Baby #13 is finished! I wrote “The End” on Saturday, which also happened to be my daughter’s birthday. Weird fact: I’ve finished several of my books on important dates. Dreamthief, was published on Sept. 1, my niece’s birthday. I also started writing my first book […]
Five Tips for Becoming a Published Author

I feel like I’ve been too silent on my writing/publishing success story. I’ve had many aspiring authors ask me how I got published and how I managed to write over a dozen books in eight years, won multiple awards, and published a series, so today I’m going to share a few of my secrets. These […]
Buying Milk and Thoughts on Human Nature
I started getting the comments after I had my third baby. “Oh my, that’s a lot of kids.” “You must have your hands full!” “Are these all yours?!” Now, I have five kids, and the comments keep coming. So does the awkwardness. I feel like a large family is a handicap in today’s society. Cars […]
Show Vs. Tell and Why are Discussing This Again?

The first rule most writers learn is this: Show don’t Tell. What does that mean? Easy. If you want your readers to be bored and have no sense of your world, you tell them about it. (The grass was brown. She was gorgeous. The car was old.) How is this telling, you ask? There are […]
If Authors Wrote Their Own Reviews…

I know, this topic is WAY wrong. Amazon would have fits if they knew I was suggesting authors (GASP!) write their OWN reviews. Write their own reviews?!? Okay, just play along, this is supposed to be funny. Start reading and you’ll get the gist of it. Authors, feel free to leave reviews for your own […]