I’m still exhausted from Wizard World Comic Con in Tulsa, but it was a great event, so no complaints here! I sold out of most of my books, met some awesome fans, and saw some outrageous costumes. This has become a family event. My husband and kids tag along, buy lots of extremely necessary items they can’t live without, ($80 swords anyone?) drink Wild Bill’s soda until they’re sick, and have an altogether blast. I saw Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura from Star Wars.) I tried to get a pic but she wheeled past my booth too speedily in her wheel chair. She looks great at 85, I must say. I also got to meet Kato Kaelin (He didn’t escape me.) And I have to admit I fangirled a little. I remember watching the OJ trials with my cousin and he stole the show. He does the MC thing at Wizard World now.
I also got to speak on a panel about publishing along with Author Genese Davis, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Sabrina A. Fish and I shared a booth, and I think we can both agree it was a thoroughly exhausting, amazing event.
Here are some pics from the event!