Wizard World Report!
I’m still exhausted from Wizard World Comic Con in Tulsa, but it was a great event, so no complaints here! I sold out of most of my books, met some awesome fans, and saw some outrageous costumes. This has become a family event. My husband and kids tag along, buy lots of extremely necessary items […]
Oh, the Places I’ll Be!
We’re almost through summer, which means book signings and conferences time! Here’s a run-down on the places I’ll be. Leave me a comment if you’ll be there too! Red Sneakers Writers’ Conference– August 31-September 3. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This year the conference is being held in downtown Oklahoma City. I’m really excited because it looks […]
SECRET REVEALED: My #Writing Process
I recently received a message from a fan asking about my writing process, so I decided to divulge a closely kept secret and reveal the truth behind how I write a book. Fine, it’s not really a secret, but it sounds cooler that way, right? Getting started: When I started writing my first novel six years ago, […]
#Monday Blogs: The Reason I Dreaded Seeing Star Trek Beyond
Hi Friends! It’s been a long and hot summer here in the sunflower state, but I managed to make it out on a date with my husband where we went to see Star Trek Beyond. If you didn’t know, I’ve been a total Trekkie since I was eleven, watching Star Trek TNG on a tiny […]