A to Z Challenge: Why Women are a Nagging Burden

The Greek’s view on women is a topic I found interesting, if not a little depressing. Let’s just say I would’ve hated to be a Greek woman. I know women today feel they’re treated unfairly, but if they take a walk back in history, they might not feel so undervalued. To illustrate, I’d like to […]

A to Z Challenge: V is for Vulcan

One of the reasons why I love Star Trek is because the shows include a good dose of Greek myth. I’ve already discussed the Romulans, so today I’d like to focus on the Romulan’s original ancestors, the Vulcans. In myth, Vulcan is the Roman name for Hephaestus, the god of fire and the forge. I’m […]

A to Z Challenge: U is for Uranus

Uranus was the original sky god. He came before Cronus and Zeus. He fathered many offspring, including the Titans, the Erinyes, and the Gigantes. He was also the husband-son of Gaea, though he was castrated and deposed by his “crafty” son Cronus. Of course, we all familiarize the name with the planet. Wikipedia has this […]

A to Z Challenge: T is for Tiresias

You’ve probably heard of the blind seer Tiresias. He played an important role in myth. However, his story didn’t end with the myths. I’ve incorporated him into my own writings. I made him a sort of zombie Tiresias. I gave him seer stones for eyes that were dispersed through the Everlands. My heroes must find […]

A to Z Challenge: S is for Styx

You’ve heard of Styx, right? The ancient river that kept people inside Hades. But it wasn’t only a river. Styx is also the name of the oldest daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. She aided Zeus in his battle with the Titans. Zeus honored her by by making vows made in Styx’s name irrevocable even for […]

A to Z Challenge: R is for Romulus

If you’re a Star Trek buff like me, you’re probably familiar with this one. In Greek myth, Romulus killed his twin brother Remus and became the founder of the Roman empire. I found a great definition of Romulus as pertaining to the Star Trek universe over at http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Romulus They give a much better explanation of […]

A to Z Challenge: Q is for Quirinus

I’ll give a you a whole batch of cookies if you knew who this guy was–ever heard of Quirinus? If not, here’s your chance to find out… Quirinus is an early god of the Roman state. When the Sabines and Romans called a truce to their warring, Romulus became the leader of this ultimately Roman […]

A to Z Challenge: P is for Pomegranate

Today’s post is a topic close to my heart–the relationship between a mother and daughter. I have three sons and one little girl. All my children are special to me, but my little girl will always hold a tender place in my heart. Right after I gave birth to her I looked at her pink, […]

A to Z Challenge: O is for Orpheus

Who is Orpheus? He was a poet and singer, made famous for his expedition into Hades to rescue his wife Eurydice, who had died of a poisonous snake bite. Orpheus’s talents lie in his music. With his lyre, given to him by Apollo, he captivates the world- mortals, wild animals, gods, and even Hades himself. […]

A to Z Challenge: N is for Nike

We’ve all heard of Nike, but perhaps not in terms of the Greek goddess. If not for her, we’d all be wearing shoes and windbreakers named Hermaphroditus or Ascanius. Personally, I’m glad they went with Nike. Care to guess what Nike was the goddess of? She’s the personification of victory, to whom a temple was […]