With the deaths of both Carrie Fisher and her mother, Debbie Reynolds, happening only a day apart, it’s hard not to feel sad or upset. Even Carrie Fisher struggled with bi-polar disorder and was an advocate for mental health–something that doesn’t get addressed nearly often enough.

It’s true that we all get down for one reason or another. No one’s immune to sadness. We all have those days. Yesterday it was my turn. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I care what you all think of my books. I do care what readers think, so with only two reviews for both my new releases, that pesky monster of self-deprecating thoughts wormed its way into my head. What if no one reads my books? What if they all hate it? When I woke up this morning, I didn’t feel much better…until I opened my browser and read the one new, five-star, review. “…with every book you write you get better. From the first word to the last you pull me into your world.”

Made my whole day.

If you’ve read either of my two new releases and would like to leave a review, you can do that here…



Also, I’d like to personally thank those three reviewers who’ve left reviews. (You know who you are.) You are all rock stars! All three reviews for both books are 5 stars, and I feel deeply grateful for you.

With all that being said, I still have to admit that–even if no one reads my books, even if setbacks happen–I will still keep pushing forward. I write to inspire and to let others know that they’re not alone in their struggles. Many people have opened up to me about their depression because I write about a therapist who counsels people with that very same disease. I write to heal, and I hope others feel that same healing through my words. That’s why I do it. And that’s why I will never, ever, quit.

Carrie Fisher, who was a favorite actress of mine, also wrote for the same reasons. She will be immeasurably missed.
