No news this week but I did send out three more queries. I try not to think about it too much or I’ll get really anxious. One of the agents considering my novel posted her stats. She reads 36,000 queries a year, requests the first thirty pages of about 1,200, and looks at full manuscripts of about 100. Wow. I’m still in that 1,200 category.
I can’t dwell on what I can’t control, so I made some writing goals for 2012.
1. Finish, edit, and polish all four novels–Forbidden, Forgotten, Forgiven, and Fairy World, MD. (Okay, I just realized today they all started with the letter “F”. Must have been the letter “F” day on Sesame Street or something when I picked these.)
2. Write query letters and synopses for all four books.
3. Send out query letters for all four books.
4. If I still have time to kill, start a new book, hopefully something not starting with the letter “F”.
And there you go. Now that I’ve posted this, I feel I really ought to follow through!