I’ve said before I’m a dreamer. I guess it runs in the family. I remember being a kid and sitting at the breakfast table, and my sisters and brother would take turns telling our dreams from the night before. Dreams play a huge role in my writing, as many of dreams turned into books—most notably was Judah Starweaver, where I dreamed beginning, middle, and end of the story that became a book.

I’ve had other dreams, too, things of a spiritual nature that I’ve only told a few close family members, and other dreams where I’ve seen something happen, and that same thing happens the same day.

And then, on December 13, 2024, I had an unusual dream that woke me up. This one isn’t easy for me to tell. I don’t know what to make of it, and I’m not asking you to believe anything. I’m simply relating a dream. You can make up your mind what you wish to believe.

The dream started as many of my dreams do, at Evadale High School. Usually, I’m a senior and trying to graduate and I’m failing a class. (I didn’t fail any classes in high school, but apparently my subconscious thinks otherwise.)

But in this dream, I was in an odd classroom with one glass wall. I told the teacher I’d seen Bigfoot, and he told me, “That’s funny, because we were watching a Bigfoot documentary.”

Behind the glass window, the movie started playing. Then we shifted, and the Bigfoot in the film was standing beside me.

I want to make a note that at no point in the dream did I feel afraid. I think the best word would be curious.

She was a female Bigfoot and very friendly. She wanted to tell me that her people had seen me in the woods 49 times, and I’d only seen them once, which I found funny that they’d seen me so much and I’d never known they were there.

I asked about the little one I’d seen, and I got the impression he was young—maybe four years old in our years—and he’d been afraid he would get into trouble because he’d let a human see him. He didn’t get in trouble, but that’s how she told me he’d been feeling.

Those were probably the most coherent parts of the conversation, as understanding the rest became a little harder to do.

I asked how I could see one of them again. She misunderstood me and thought I meant to hunt them, and I clarified that no, I only wanted to see one.

In that case, she showed me the road “the straight way without the trees where the lights go.” She didn’t have the word for road. We weren’t exactly speaking to each other but communicating through images. She showed me the road, and then said if you look there at night, you might see one of us in the trees.

I also got the impression that her people live in groups, like tribes, in different places all over the world, and that they can communicate with each other through a sort of telepathy, but they mostly only speak to their own group.

She took me out the back door, and on the steps outside, she introduced me to two male Bigfoot.

The best description I have of these guys is wild. They weren’t nearly as good at communicating, but they did show me that being brave is the highest level of morality in their group, and they don’t show fear to each other.

I got the sense that they do have a sense of morality, but it’s different from ours.

They also told me to never bring food to their territory, which I was little confused about at first, but I figured it out later after I woke up. More on that later.

Then, they told me the majority of their group lives in the preserve up north. Again, this confused me until I woke up.

The female told me a few other things that I’m still wondering about. She said if I find a black mark on the toe of my white sock, it means they’re ready to communicate.

The males showed me a mask, like a Native American tribal mask, and told me if you wear this, we can see you.

I woke up from the dream, which usually means the dream is significant. It was 4 am, and I wrote it down.

Oddly enough, the number four seemed to pop up at random times during the next few days.

One particularly weird thing I should note happened when I went to visit my parents a week or so after I had the dream.

I went back to the forest we called Narnia.

My dad and two youngest sons ages 9 and 11 tagged along with me. We found long strands of a black coarse substance stuck high in a tree, which I later learned was called horsehair fungus.

After we brought it inside, I excitedly started taking pictures of it, thinking I’d finally found proof that my friends in the woods existed. After taking a photo, it didn’t appear in my gallery.

I took three more photos that also didn’t appear in my gallery, which I thought was odd, as that had never happened before.

A few minutes later, all four photos appeared with the timestamp of 4pm.

In reality, I took the photos closer to 5pm.

At four, we were out in the woods. There’s no way I took those pictures at 4 pm, but if you look in my gallery, that’s exactly the time you’ll see. Exactly 4 pm. (Pictures below.)

Yes, if those strands had been Bigfoot hair, this would be a much more exciting story. Fungus isn’t nearly as thrilling.

But that doesn’t negate the point of the strange timestamp.


If anyone wants to enlighten me on the meaning, I’d like to know. I hear it’s a bad omen in Chinese culture?

There were four beings in my dream if you count me.

There were four of us out in the woods—my dad, me and my two boys.

I woke up from my dream at 4.

As for the other messages—the preserve up north. I thought of it almost immediately after I woke up. It’s the Big Thicket. Remember, I’m in Texas in my dream, and there’s a vast woodland preserve north of us called the Big Thicket.

After the dream, I did some research and discovered there have been many sightings of Bigfoot there.

The part about keeping food to yourself. I think this means they want us to stay in our territory and they’ll stay in theirs. Going into the woods and taking their food would be like them going into our home and rummaging through the fridge.

As for leaving food for them, I think it’s fine. I’ve heard of people gifting apples or peanut butter.

As I said, make of this what you will, but the message I took away from it was that these creatures aren’t simple animals. They’re complex beings who have their own code of morality. Most are friendly are non-confrontational unless provoked. But they’re wild, and they prefer their way of life out in the vast wilderness. They prefer being left alone but will communicate when they get the chance.

I’ve had no more dreams since then, and I don’t know if I ever will. Still, it seemed wrong of me to keep this all to myself, so I’m grateful to be able to share it with everyone.

What does the future hold? More research for me. I’m too curious to just leave the subject alone. As for more blog posts? Hopefully I’ll have more to report soon, but until then…

Live long and dream on!


The times in blue are correct times. The times in red are incorrect, but appeared in my photo gallery at 3:58, 3:59, and 4pm. The actual time they were taken was closer to 5 pm. You can see that I was actually out in the woods when the pictures were taken, as the pictures before and after the “hair” photos are taken out in the woods.

This is how the pictures appeared in my gallery. Note that there are 4 pictures taken in the woods, (and isn’t my little field researcher the cutest with his notepad?) And then four pictures taken inside the house (although at 4pm we were still in the woods.) Then five more pics in the woods, and the final four are taken displayed at the correct time which was near 5 pm.