It’s been awhile since I’ve visited the blog. My last entry was in February, and so much has changed since then. My biggest change: I had a baby. Ronan David was born on February 25 weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. 19 inches long. He is a precious sweet baby and has a very healthy set of lungs. To be honest, babies that cry get more attention, which means I spend more bonding time with them. Since he’s my fifth, and most likely my last, I don’t mind spending a little extra time cuddling my baby.
The next big change: we’re moving to Wichita in 3 weeks 6 days. (Yes, I’m counting down.) We found a house that I am so excited about. This will be our last move for a long while, and I am SOO ready to settle down and feel like a family. This past year has been very challenging. Dave’s work schedule has been insane. My pregnancy made me feel like some dark depressed Tam trapped in a fat uncomfortable body. I’m ready for a change. I’m ready to feel like my old self again. I’ve already started writing more. I signed up to attend Rose State writing conference in September. So things are already starting to look up for me.