Part Four: The Dream

I’ve said before I’m a dreamer. I guess it runs in the family. I remember being a kid and sitting at the breakfast table, and my sisters and brother would take turns telling our dreams from the night before. Dreams play a huge role in my writing, as many of dreams turned into books—most notably […]

Part Three: Bad News First

This part of this story is more difficult for me to write. Let me preface this by saying that I’m a spiritual person, so believing in angels, demons, and prophetic or meaningful dreams is easier for me to do than someone who believes only in science. I don’t say this to bash science. In fact, […]

Return to Narnia

I’m used to writing fiction. It’s an escape from reality. Writing a non-fiction account of a supposed “fictional” creature is new for me. For one thing, this creature isn’t one of fiction. I know because I saw it. I recorded that account in the post here. After writing my story, it made me realize that […]

Bigfoot in Narnia

Author’s Note. This isn’t my typical blog post. It’s a non-fiction account from something that happened when I was a young teenager. It’s something I’ve debated posting for years and years, and just couldn’t find the courage to do it. But now, I don’t know why exactly, but I feel like I’m ready to tell […]

For Writers

Fellow writers- I created this page for those of you looking to improve your writing career. I’ve had the opportunity to participate in some groundbreaking writing programs. I only recommend writing programs that I’ve personally vetted. Please feel free to peruse this list and up your writing game: Outliers (Ongoing online writing classes) Way-Word Writers […]

The End of Never is live TODAY!

The End of Never is live TODAY THE END OF NEVER releases today! Keep reading to see what it’s all about: When her worst fears come true, Sabine must fight to save the only world she calls home. Six months after a deadly solar flare threatened to destroy Earth, Sabine is sent back to the […]

Dare to Call Me Vampire is Coming!

I am SO EXCITED for this new release! I feel in love with these characters when I wrote NEVER CALL ME VAMPIRE, and I was thrilled to write their sequel. If you haven’t checked out this duology yet, why not give it a try? NEVER CALL ME VAMPIRE DARE TO CALL ME VAMPIRE

Christmas in July Spotlight: Sherry Ficklin

I’m pleased to present the first of nine spotlight posts featuring a few of my fellow authors. We’re participating in a Christmas in July book blast. Here’s today’s spotlight: Please welcome Sherry Ficklin! Her newest book is called KINGDOM OF SHADOWS AND DUST. KINGDOM OF SHADOWS AND DUST As the king’s only daughter, Ava was […]

Super Giveaway!

Greetings from Kansas! I’ve got a great giveaway happening that I’d love for you to check out. Signed print book and Amazon gift card anyone? I’d love for you to check it out! NEVER CALL ME VAMPIRE is on sale for only 99 cents for a few days only, so don’t miss out on your […]