Oh, the Places I’ll Be!
We’re almost through summer, which means book signings and conferences time! Here’s a run-down on the places I’ll be. Leave me a comment if you’ll be there too! Red Sneakers Writers’ Conference– August 31-September 3. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This year the conference is being held in downtown Oklahoma City. I’m really excited because it looks […]
WichiCon Tomorrow! Come for a FREE SIGNED BOOK MARK! Or just come. Whatever you like…
Hi everyone! I just wanted to stop by and remind you that tomorrow, Saturday June 3, I will be at WichiCon! I’m giving FREE SIGNED BOOK MARKS to anyone who stops by my booth, so make sure you come! (I won’t be there on Sunday.) Details: Location: Century II, Bob Brown Expo Hall. 225 W. […]
Are You Superstitious? I wasn’t. Until now. Find out why… PLUS, conference updates!
To find out about my weird superstition story, you’ll have to keep reading, because I went to two conferences, and it happened at the second conf. But for now, here’s what led up to it… I am home!!! You have no idea how happy I am to say those words. For the last two weeks, […]