The Measure of my Sanity and a Snippet

I’ve decided life is never easy. Sometimes you get a small break where you can take a deep breath and feel relaxed, but most of the time it’s a struggle. I don’t deal with stress very well. It weighs on me. I’ve found ways to cope, eating healthy, writing, yoga, staying mentally, physically, and spiritually […]

The Lackluster Truth About Vampires

I’m sick to death (or perhaps undeath?) of vampires. Recently I’ve read several books about vampires and couldn’t help but notice the similarities. Almost a decade ago, the publishing industry went through a vampire revival. If your book had the word vampire in it, you got published. The result? We have more books about vampires on the […]

The Speed of Light and the Law of the Fourth Child

I’ve been researching for a sci-novel  which has opened my eyes to some science-y stuff that I was never aware of. I blame this on my love of sci-fi, where the rules are often challenged. To the point: I’ve learned that nothing can move faster than light. Mother nature sets a speed limit. If an […]

Europa Report

Last night I watched a movie on Netflix called Europa Report. As my husband can attest, I’ve been picky about movies since I started writing. I see flaws that I never saw before. I pick apart the character motivations and plot flaws. I thought Europa Report would be another cheesy sci-fi. It screamed low budget […]

My Everyday Hero

I think everyone’s got one–a role model–or a person who shapes who they are. Most people have more than one, but I bet you can name one person who made you who you are. For me it’s my grandmama, Millie Lorena Franklin. She taught through example. At 88 years old, she tended a garden, raked […]

Creating the Everynerd

Dear readers, I need help! I’m soon to rewrite the first scene of my book, DREAMTHIEF, which is a story about a psychologist who helps nerdy people conquer their real-world mental problems such as depression and OCD’s. Most of her patients collect fairy or dragon memorabilia. Why? Because they’ve actually been to Fairy World and […]

Sulking No More

I am happy to announce that the pity party is over. Thanks to all my readers for the excellent advice. It seems the only thing I want to do when I’m down is get away from everyone and revel in my misery, though in truth it’s the worst thing I could do. I was surprised […]

Rejection–How my Rear End Met the Couch

I’ve had a rough couple days because of a very silly problem. That stinkin’ R word–rejection. My manuscript got rejected by one of the agents I met at the conference. I’ve been sulking, I hate to admit. I’ve realized I’m not as thick-skinned as I should be. I know everyone deals with rejection at some […]

The Lesson Galveston Taught Me

Four years ago, my family packed up from our home in Galveston and moved to Tulsa. Dave had trained in medical school for four years and was to train in Tulsa for his residency for the next five years. We’d had our ups and downs. By that point, after Hurricane Ike had torn Galveston apart, after scraping by on […]

Spot That Error

I’ve been playing Spot That Error! for the past couple weeks. Why? Because I had three agents request my book at the writing conference. I wanted the thing 100% error proof. Which, if you’ve ever written anything 80,000 words long, is impossible. So I focused mainly on my first chapter. Surely I could get those […]